Here are a couple of stories that I remember: One time in the early 80's, an elder was conducting the Watchtower Study and the article was about how we must nurture our studies, but he said we must NEUTER our studies. The whole congo was in stitches. Once an elder was giving a Ministry School part about using proper pronunciation, yet he kept saying "Proper Pronounciation". Sadly, probably only a few knew the difference. Once I was reading at our book study from the "Greatest Man" book and during the one about the woman with a flow of blood touches Jesus. Well, one of the sisters said that she thought that the woman may have been a relative of Jesus. Nobody had heard of that, and I said, without thinking, it was his Aunt Flo. The entire book study was in stitches, and the brother conducting didn't hear what I said, and nobody told him what was wrong. Another time, during the same book, I was reading the part where Peter takes his sword and cuts off the soldier's ear. The reading is something like "whose ear Peter cut off", but I said "whose Peter cut off". Once again, everyone was rolling. Thank goodness we had a pretty conservative group! There was this one brother who was very sincere but he had a very bad stuttering problem, and it was very hard to listen to him read for five minutes, but doggonit he did it and it took juevos.